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Saving the Republican Brand, Sorensen cartoon

saving the gop brand

I have to go with Donald Rumsfeld on this one. IT IS WHAT IT IS. And there aint no changing it. Indeed, The Escalade Party, no regrets.  Jesus would dive an Escalade, with a machine gun turret on top picking up billionaires to take to Heaven while running down the poor because it’s what God wants. Oh and executions.  Jesus loves assault rifles with extended magazines and executions. And slapping little kids around.

There is some good news in all this. Polls now show only 21% agree with Tea Party, Ted Cruz and the Shutdown. I had always believed that number to hover around 30%. So things are looking up! For the time being anyway.

But of all the sour poll numbers the GOP is suffering these days, the one that hurts the most is 72% of Independents have a negative view of the GOP.   But hold that thought for a moment while I go look something up. Three years ago 65% of Independents had a negative view of Democrats. The other good news for the GOP beyond the fickle middle is that the 2014 election cycle is over a year away.