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School board magician removes womans at meeting

Like many enthusiastic amateur magicians, Russel Fitzgerald was generous in sharing his tricks with others. Chairman Fitzgerald made a practice of starting board meetings with his latest trick. Not only did he have a captive audience, but he felt that there is nothing like a magic trick to start a school board meeting on a happy note.

On Tuesday, Fitzgerald selected school committee member Ellen Killian and a male teacher to assist him in performing the trick he had just learned and was excited to share. Fitzgerald performed the trick you see in the video, which may be more suited for a nightclub act than a school board meeting. The board members and teachers sat in shocked utter silence as he performed the trick perfectly, with a flourish of what appeared to be Killian’s bra – her face flushed to a lovely ripe tomato color. Sadly, the magician won’t be performing at board meetings in the future. The meeting – was shown live on cable TV.