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Senator Ted Cruz foils Republican House vote on Immigration

ted cruz joe mccarthyRemember a few weeks ago immigration reform was in the bag. The House was going to pass it with the caveat of “legal status” rather than “road to citizenship.” Then suddenly Speaker of the House John Boehner called a press conference to say it was dead in the water. What happened?

While the Republicans were signing off on the settlement behind closed doors, Senator Ted Cruz got himself on a few right-wing media outlets, primarily, to call the Republican plan “lawless” and “amnesty.” The Republican House members heard of the Cruz media blitz and fearing for their political lives dropped the issue within hours. Cruz may have scuttled immigration reform with one sound bite

I can say a lot of things about Ted Cruz. His channeling of Joe McCarthy, his resemblance to Lou Costello, his Tea Party extremism, his disgusting intolerant bigot of a father, his own intolerance, bigotry and mealy mouthed crap, but one thing you have to give the man is that a freshman junior Senator he has garnered more power than any freshman Senator in American history. In fact he has now become the most powerful Republican in the Senate. JUST LIKE JOE MCCARTHY. He single handedly shut down the United States Government and has now scuttled immigration reform. An immigrant himself and a Hispanic pretender on his way to the White House.

Bozos in power: My only hope is that he and his partner in evangelical Christian Tea Party looneytarianism Rand Paul destroy each other as the 2016 presidential race draws near. They are already in unfriendly territory which is sure to grow.