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Senator Ted Cruz most powerful Republican in the House, Bruce Plante cartoon

ted cruz runs the GOP

Senator Ted Cruz scuttled the immigration reform bill that the GOP House of Representatives was about to pass. He is still threatening to filibuster the debt ceiling. What with now being the top Tea Party darling in America he has become the most powerful Republican in either house of congress, in just two years.

With Bill O’Reilly the most powerful Republican on TV and Rush Limbaugh the most powerful Republican in the world, it’s a trifecta right out of the pit of Hell Heaven.

Make a list in your head of the most disgusting, bigoted, intolerant airheads in elected office. Notice something about your list? Yes indeed, they all happen to be evangelical Christians and Republicans. Though the leader of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh, is about as religious as I am. But lucky for him his audience is too stupid to grasp that. Which is the great advantage the Republican Party has over the rest of us. It’s a very simple matter to fool the simple minded. Just tell them what they want to hear and take it to the bank. In fact it is so easy that Rush Limbaugh brags that he does it with half his brain tied behind his back.