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Seth MacFarlane Shocks Viewers and Oscar Attendees With Song: We Saw Your Boobs!

Oscar host Seth MacFarlane sings 'We Saw Your Boobs'

Always on the cutting edge of controversy, Oscar host Seth MacFarlane delivered – but who knew the Academy was so sensitive about boobs!   While MacFarlane sang and joked about a wide range of topics,  one  particular song, and a joke about the tempestuous and abusive relationship of Chris Brown and Rihanna drew the most fire. Pre-warned by a 'future' William Shatner, that he will offend, the creator of Family Guy, and seemingly adult alter ego of  'Stewie' forged ahead. Backed by the  Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, MacFarlane performed a peppy little ditty which named actresses whose boobs have been on display – in movies.  A more general list would have taken  several more stanzas. With the exception of Jenifer Lawrence, who hasn't put her bosoms on display, and was quite pleased by that mention,  several actresses including Charlize Theron were less than pleased.  At the far end of the spectrum was Kate Winslet, who scored the most exposure of all.  We're all grown-ups here – right?
