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Seth Meyers on Trump – Stay Out of It, Democrats!

Seth Meyers on Trump - Stay Out of It, Democrats!

Seth Meyers implores prominent Democrats, especially Hillary Clinton and President Obama to avoid commenting on Donald Trump’s bizarre antics for a while, because when life gives your opponent lemons – just stay out of it!  Donald Trump is imploding without help from anyone, just sit back and watch the show.  If someone must comment, let it be Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell who set loose this monster. Seth helps us imagine what a phone call between the two Republicans must be like. “What, he threw a little girl down a well?”  “No, no, no – we still endorse him!”

Butting into Trump’s drama could spoil the fun for some. Alternately, the do-gooders could get dragged into the ring and end up boxing with the kangaroo.  It’s best to just do as Seth asks and Just Stay Out of It, please!