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Seth Meyers – Trump Wavers on Promises, Draws Fire for Steve Bannon Appointment & Ivanka’s Style Alert!

Seth Meyers - Trump Wavers on Promises, Draws Fire for Steve Bannon Appointment & Ivanka's Style Alert!

I can’t bear to look, but Seth Meyers takes a closer look at President-elect Donald Trump’s first week, as he deals with promises he unwisely made during the campaign, and makes personnel appointments. One highly controversial appointee is the ‘pride of White Nationalists,’ Breitbart’s own – Steve Bannon!  Who needs experience in your cabinet, when  you have someone inexperienced, who caused even Glenn Beck and Bernie Sanders to agree: “He’s a terrifying man!”

Trump seems to be backing off of some of his most popular campaign promises. the ‘Wall’ has now become ‘the fence’ and because Mexico was never going to pay…Maybe they’ll crowd-fund the thing?  Leave it to Newt Gingrich to phrase the change of plans beautifully: “It was a great campaign device.”

On the lighter side – kids say the darnedest things.  Ivanka made presidential history by turning her father’s first interview after the election, on ’60 Minutes’ – into a sales pitch for her jewelry line, featuring her $11,000 bracelet! That’s why the people love ’em. Those Trumps are just like everyday folks!