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Sex worker strips for TSA pat search at SeaTac

My TSA Stripdown: Nov 21 at Seatac from Furry Girl’s Feminisnt.com on Vimeo.

Furrygirl, a ‘sex worker/promographer’ decided to see how TSA workers would react if she made their pat-down both easier and more enjoyable for herself.

TSA didn’t seem to believe that Furrygirl’s cooperation was helpful, although she certainly leaves nothing to the imagination when she reaches the screening desk. In fact, the screener seems uncomfortable, preferring for her to put more clothing on.

One Warning: This is a long tape. After the first three minutes or so, you’ll see nothing more than the odd views of the camera, presumably packed into her bags, but the first few moments when she approaches the counter and peals off her outer garments allegedly to make the screener’s job easier are certainly worth the watch!