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SNL, black TV commentary

The Black ChannelOMG, the African America positives for President Obama is down to 93.7%. Almost as much as White Southerners put him in negative territory.

Here in Houston our local PBS station has an hour long black commentary show on not at 6am, but at 8pm on Friday nights. You know when most people are sitting home alone with nothing to do.

There is MSNBC of course, it has a black woman on in the late mornings, a more pronounced black woman on early Saturday and Sunday Mornings and of course the only real black commentator on TV (other than BET) at a reasonable time, the Reverend Al Sharpton. And hey, who could not like Reverend Al?

I want to run this by one more time.

The entire civilized white world, including the Asian Pacific Rim, have universal health care. Most all are payroll tax deductions to pay for insurance from private companies. The vast majority of the people in all of those civilized nations not only see universal health care coverage as A RIGHT, but are happy with the system they have and none of them would trade it for what we have here.

Why is it that America is the only nation that loudly flat out refuses to join the civilized world in this matter? Well it’s really just the Republican Party.

I Googled percentage of black population by country and found that of all the nations with universal healthcare, Australia had the most blacks at 1.5%.  In the United States it is 13%.  There you go. It’s as simple as that.

In fact I new book out this week tells us that the single most important issue to the Tea Party is not debt or deficit, it is mostly about white people’s fear that America is being taken over by non white people [a black president really set them off on this.] The real fight is against multiculturalism, political correctness and of course the $17 trillion dollar debt that all went to Negroes and Mexicans for lobster and beer.