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SNL: Blacks discuss Obama

African American support for President Obama has dropped 7 points, it is now down to 92% support.

SNL: Blacks discuss ObamaIf we add white people to that he is down to 40% approval.

In 2008 I was a die hard Hillary fan. Took my family to the local Democrat caucus here to push Hillary. With two kids voting for the first time it was a hard road talking them out of Barack Obama and into some old woman they didn’t know.

My argument was twofold.

That Hillary had lived through and understood well the Stygian depths of swill the GOP political machine is capable of and she would treat them fairly with a baseball.

And of course that putting a Black guy in the White House would stir up so much racial hate and bile that the Republican Party would have no chance of holding it back. That they would, with the help of the Republican Supreme Court, put the full force of their money and power into destroying Barack Obama’s presidency, personally and his legacy at all costs. That racism would tear the nation apart to such an extent that nothing could get done.

Well I was right except for one thing. The Affordable Care Act which in the immortal words of VP Joe Biden, IS A BIG FKING DEAL. Of course we have not yet reached the level of civilization for a single payer system, but at least it is the first step.