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SNL: CNN Pregnancy test

snl, cnn pregnancy testHow could any news organization exist with just YES or NO?  Hmmm… They pretty much did that in television from 1946 well into the 1960’s.  The only news was on the networks and lasted 15 minutes a day. It was also non profit, supported by entertainment programing.

How did anyone know anything back then? No internet! No smart phones! No Twitter and no Facebook. It’s a wonder the people back then even knew how to make babies.

CNN gets a bad rap. They try to take the middle road without the polemics, and if the do polemics they do it fairly.  As such how can they fill the 23 hours a day that MSNBC and FOX NEWS use for political opinion, other than filler?

Though they did have one guy who had an opinion on how the American gun culture is subjectively, objectively and clinically insane, but they fired his pansy ass and sent him packing back to whatever pansy foreign country he came from.