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SNL OPEN, Trump stalks Hillary at Second Debate, October 15 2016

SNL OPEN, Trump stalks Hillary at Second Debate, October 15 2016

Donald J. Trump
Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!   4,2854 Retweets9,3029 likes
Then a few minutes later:
Donald J. Trump
Polls close, but can you believe I lost large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Media rigging election!  3,8143 Retweets8,2168 likes
Is there a media conspiracy to keep this Orange Buffoon out of the White House.  I sure hope so!  And it seems to now be the entire media, what with Fox News bleeding Megyn Kelly, firing his pal Roger Ailes, and now even Bill O’Reilly giving him the scold. The only media that is not in on the conspiracy is intellectual savant Sean Hannity, the National Enquirer, the Trump owned NY Observer, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Breitbart, Drudge, and the Russian RT channel.
But like Hillary Clinton’s claim that there was  a vast right-wing conspiracy to destroy her and her husband, can something be called a conspiracy when it is full on and in the open for all to see?
What with Lou Dobbs tweeting a Trump accuser’s name, phone number and address, causing a line of cars out front of her home and her moving out of the country in fear. And with the media area at Trump rallies doing just fine until The Donald points them out and starts screaming at them, which causes the crowd to turn so ugly that when it ends reporters have to be escorted out by Secret Service and police for their safety, I now wonder that if any serious violence is done to the media at one of his rallies, if local authorities will do the right thing and take Donald J Trump face down to the floor, cuff him and thrown in jail for inciting violence and a riot.
Sadly his call for his detestable minions to open and conceal carry and hover around minority voters at the polls to intimidate them, and to now stand guard with weapons in front of HRC to intimidate them, is not illegal, it’s what despicable racists have done for 150 years.
These calls to arms, calls to election rigging, calls to revolution could mean that The Donald will not peruse some great Trump Media endeavor but rather hope some judge doesn’t NO BOND NO BAIL him after he gets arrested for inciting a riot.