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SNL Weekend Update: Nebraska Corn Porn, April 8 2016

SNL Weekend Update: Nebraska Corn Porn, April 8 201690% of Cornhuskers did not like the new Nebraska license plate for the promographic overtone of a man who looks like a women without breasts holding his enormous dick. This being Nebraska I wonder if that license plate person would be allowed into the ladies room there? Or is that men’s room?  Why is it okay for a woman to use a men’s room but a man not allowed to use a women’s room?

We just passed this ladies bathroom law down here in Houston and you know, every voice we saw in the media stumping for it, and all the money put into the effort came from men.

Women may not understand sports, but what’s worse is that men do not understand ladies bathrooms. They have doors with latches. So perverts, dressed as women, would have to crawl through the goo of the bathroom floors to get under the stalls to watch. Ted Cruz was big on pushing that law. But you know this is a Southern thing, and perhaps they are right, that Southern men will dress up as women and slither around on pee covered floors to get a look at grandma peeing. Texas Values.