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Social Media Prisoner? Use Coke’s ‘Media Guard’ & Return to Real Life

Social Media Prisoner? Use Coke's 'Media Guard' & Return  to Real Life

‘The real world’ is that thing which happens when you run out of batteries. ” So Coke’s new advertising campaign suggests with tongue-in-cheek, but I suspect this is more profound than ‘The Real Thing’ realizes.   How paradoxical that ‘social media’ can connect you to friends, new friends and the people you love. It’s just a pity that you’re often sitting with those very people while, ignoring them –  you’re connected to someone else via social media.

We are a rude country in my humble opinion. Perhaps I’ve made a fool of myself entirely too many times, when I’ve answered someone who is looking directly at me, and speaking – only to receive a dirty look when I reply.  It’s only then that a tiny earpiece becomes visible in the ear of my ‘new friend.’     While Coke has created  a humorous ad, the photos of family members ignoring one another, and friends dining together, yet oblivious – while they photograph their dinners, to instagram photos of their food (to whom?) –  are common scenes – and pet peeves of yours truly.

Coca-Cola isn’t alone in  using a light-hearted critique of their consumers’ lock on social media, as a way to relate to a newer generation of consumers.  In their most recent ad Coke comes up with a solution for social media isolation. Should it work, the corporation is a shoo-in for the Nobel Peace Prize!   I will not be a spoiler – this time! I will say that Coke’s ‘Social Media Guard’ takes the “Social” out of Media and puts it back into your real life. Therapy may be required. It is one-size-fits-most, very inexpensive and available in your choice of colors!  It is also a terrific diet aid.  This is a true panacea.

Are you intrigued yet? Let’s just say you have undoubtedly seen the inexpensive “Guard” device before. The Coke ‘Guard’ is an ‘off-label’ use for the original object. When you wear it, you will  improve your relationships with friends and family – although Facebook updates will undoubtedly suffer…Until you find a way to take a selfie while wearing it, and I have every confidence you will.

Who spends more time on social media, anyway? I hate to say it, but research shows that  women do – by a small margin. The following figures  delve into social networking by age,sex,country and even economic background.

I suspect however, that researchers drew a line at social networking, and did not include texting and talking on the phone, else the average number of hours spent by Americans
ages 18-64 would be much higher than the average of  3.2 hours…Ha, most spend that much time keeping up  at school and work alone.   If you have a few minutes to check it out, this is an interesting breakdown.  Americans are by no means the most social media crazed in the world, folks in Indonesians and Saudi Arabians spend the most time, at an average of 5.1 hours daily…And that’s not counting the phone check they perform every 8 seconds just like Americans.  The Coke’ Media Guard’ is guaranteed to stop even the most avid media checker – instantaneously! You’ll see a miraculous healing in any skin diseases you might have had in the neck region too!