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Star Trek Into Darkness Is Here! Pros and Cons: Of Being A Trekkie Jimmy Fallon

Star Trek Into Darkness Is Coming, Pros and Cons: Of Being A Trekkie   Jimmy Fallon

The long-awaited movie “Star Trek Into Darkness” begins this coming weekend. It is only fitting that Jimmy devote this episode of “Pros and Cons” to the fans who love the Star Trek series…The Trekkies.  In fact,
few episodes have been as hilarious as Jimmy’s astute (and loving) observations of ‘Pros and Cons’ featuring comparisons with the the maniacally devoted fans, and the ‘outside’ world.  A few hints follow, but no spoilers:
You’ll learn which daytime talk host also uses Spock’s Vulcan Death Grip.  When is it not a good idea to show off your fluency in written and spoken Klingon? Is there truly such a time?  Not least, who is most likely to be a Trekkie and why?