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Stephen Colbert, Bra Holsters and the NRA ammo conspiracy

“If Obama can’t take our guns he will make sure we can’t put anything in them, after that he is going to come after Rush by buying up all the hookers and  canned frosting.”

bra holsterThe Government bought 1.6 billion round of ammo!  OMG! And as Stephen says, that’s almost as much as Quentin Tarantino uses in one of his movies. Or even more than Gun Enthusiasts in Texas buy each day!

But wait, this isn’t the Pentagon, this is  Homeland Security buying up all the ammo. And 360,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that tear up flesh like a chainsaw? Notwithstanding that I was sure gun enthusiasts had bought all the hollow points up for their coming war with our police and our troops, are those government rounds for certain classes or shades of people?

But this is not one of these made up nonsense conspiracies from the NRA itself, this is from the top level of the Republican Intelligentsia of the Senate, Oklahoma’s Senator James Inhofe. Who is also America’s top voice learning us about that there Climate Change HOAX.  But to be fair, Inhofe did not start this conspiracy, it began where so much of this insane crap begins, at Joesph Farrar’s WorldNetDaily or WND.COM. From there to talk show host and insane mf Alex Jones, to Mark Levin, to Fox News and then out to the rest of the media who are required to pick it up or right-wing nutjobs will call the media biased and LAMESTREAM! OMG.

And there I think lays the biggest immediate problem to overcome with the GOP gone over the edge into Right-wing La La Land. The media has to stop being afraid of them. On the bright side there is some light shinning into that darkness as we see more coverage of gun play in the media.