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Stephen Colbert: Clarence Thomas against Voting Rights Act

clarence thomas voting rights actNot only does Clarence Thomas not like the Voting Rights Act or the Civil Rights Act but he says he would not even have voted Brown V Education into law.  Clarence Thomas is a bitter man filled with so much hate and self loathing  he cannot even speak.  His politics are driven by little other than much he despises Liberals, Black women and specifically Anita Hill, all who conspired to destroy his sterling reputation in his confirmation hearings. Law by hate.

Impeach Clarence Thomas. Though he can wallow in the millions of bribery money he and his Tea Party wife accept while giving a silent finger to the rest of us, he knows no Democrat has the balls to impeach the only black guy on the Supreme Court.

Though there is another option. When Ruth Ginsberg retires before Obama leaves office as expected, have the President appoint Anita Hill to replace her.  That would do him in.

Brian, the only black in Alaska recently arrived there after traveling from the Mountain North leaving Idaho, Wyoming and Montana with no African Americans at all. Which begs the question, can a state be racist if there is no one to be racist toward?
