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Stephen Colbert, College Girls doing Sex and liking it

college sexAlso not covered here is the news that both men and women in college binge drink!  OMG what next.  Well here we have it, the woman are also having sex and enjoying it!

As many of you old farts out there may know, the BJ was invented in 1973 by Linda Lovelace.  But careful with that. We can’t always believe everything we know. For if you had seen the 1981 movie Quest for Fire, you would know that it was Rae Dawn Chong (daughter of Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong) who invented the BJ circa 55,402BC. And to top it off it was not interracial but inter species. It sure won the day for one cave man though.

With that said I often wonder if girls studying in the great library of Alexandria had sex and liked it?  BTW I recently learned that the clitoris was not found until the 1920’s which is what caused the Flapper Craze back in the Roaring Twenties. It was when unmarried women first began having sex and liking it!