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Stephen Colbert Dances the Romney Rafalca Dressage


What better way for Mitt and Ann Romney to show they are regular people!  Atuned to the beer drinking, hoping for a crash NASCAR crowd! Some say George Herbert Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton because of that out of touch moment in a super market where he let it be know he hadn’t been in a super market in a generation for so. Scanning! WOW!

Bloomberg poll today showed Obama ahead of Romney by 13 points!  10 of which are about this very thing. And we haven’t even gotten to the long underwear and planet Kolob yet.

You know the real issue is not so much Mitt Romney as it is REPUBLICANS who want to reduce taxes on the wealthy and deregulate the banks, Wall Street and corporate interests. Which IS EXACTLY WHAT GOT US INTO THIS MESS WE ARE IN!  Gosh…

Colbert dances the dressage