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Stephen Colbert, Darrell Issa to name our Oceans after Ronald Reagan

ronald reagan oceanDarrel Issa is the Joe McCarthy of the House in tandem with Ted Cruz who is the Joe McCarthy of the Senate. Joe McCarthy – and McCarthyism – has recently been redeemed as a true American Hero who did the right thing. Ann Coulter wrote a whole book on that so it must be true.

It goes without saying that we should name all our oceans to the already 3000 buildings, ships and sites already carrying the Reagan name. And as Mr Colbert suggests, also the air we breath.

After all, it was Ronald Reagan how gave amnesty (green cards) of 4 million illegal aliens and raised taxes 11 times. And as his first act as Governor of California, took prescription glasses subsidies away from poor children. His first act as President was to bust a union and hire scabs. Oh, and my favorite, as AIDS killed tens of thousands of gay men during his presidency he never mentioned it. That right there is enough to rename the planet “Reagan.”