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Stephen Colbert does a long overdue spot on mockery of Fox News

stephen colbert mockery of fox newsFox News, where Donald Trump and Dick Morris belong.  Does anyone publicly admit to watching Fox News?  I know intolerant old bigots admit to watching Bill O’Reilly, but I don’t hear them bragging about Fox News. Or brag about listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Of course the popularity of both Fox News and Talk Radio came after 1988 when the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE was tossed to the wind.  Within a very short time 10s of millions of selfish intolerant a wholes had places to tune in where they were made to feel good about themselves. Honored,  applauded and stroked by the cream of the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Ted Nugent. Those last two are worse than promography as there is neither had any REDEEMING SOCIAL VALUE whatsoever.