The real question should be is Mike Huckabee too much like Gomer Pyle to be president?
We find that the Fox News belief that Hillary Clinton is too old (for a woman) to run for president comes from Fox News host Mike Huckabee, as pushed forward by Fox News media director Howard Kurtz and finally reported upon by Fox News evening anchor Bret Baier. All helped of course by every woman’s dream come true, Rush Limbaugh.
I just looked up El Rushbo’s demographics. His radio audience is 95% white, 80% male and 80% over 35. Nothing new there. But I did find one interesting statistic I was not aware of, 76% of his listeners have no children. The NRA keeps their demographics under wraps but I would suspect an even higher number of NRA members have no children. Single males seem to be the problem. Have any of our popular shooter / killers been married or had children? I can’t think of one.