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Stephen Colbert: Fox News starts War on Islam for Christmas

Fox News Christmas war on Islam

Boy is there ever a missing elephant in this room over at Comedy Central.  The theme of this piece is Fox News claiming Muslims and Liberals are egging us on! Sticking their fingers in our nose! Purposefully making us angry!

For two days now FOX NEWS had been looping the Fox News reporter getting punched by a union THUG in Michigan. In the middle of 12,000 very very angry union workers, Fox News and the Koch Brothers set up tents to rub it in.  Koch Brothers!  Who are the number one funding source for union busting. Fox News who spends hours every day bashing unions. Put up a tent right in the middle of all this.

Those people should count their lucky stars they are still able to walk around rather than one chipped tooth.  A chipped tooth. Bet it was a cap…  And now we will enjoy years of seeing that clip as moral equivalency to every horrible thing Republicans do.  That union guy phises me off. YOU DON'T USE VIOLENCE or YOUR FISTS, you throw dogcrap in their faces.  Dogcrap is easy to get these days, already wrapped up in a nice little plastic bag which  I am sure any carrier would be more than happy to let anyone  have.  Lets get with it!  Fling dog crap instead of swing fists! DOGSHIT WARS are a lot better than any other kind of war I can think of at the moment.