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Stephen Colbert getting used to President Trump

Stephen Colbert getting used to President Trump“Donald Trump is like Godzilla with less foreign policy experience,” says Stephen Colbert as he prepares us for the great and wonderful and huge President Donald Trump.

The big mime, troupe, twixter or whatever these days is please don’t say bad things about Donald Trump’s supporters. I suppose this is because it’s like making fun of those retards riding the short bus. Butno matter who wins, one thing we will all be able to take away from this election is that baseball caps, especially the camo ones, are a sign of white low class cracker barrel ignorance.

But even I will accept two things that are good about The Donald. He is not beholding to any big money other than his own, and he gives all of us, including me the opportunity to be as politically incorrect as we want. Or is that just one more Republican one way street ya think?