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Before you watch… How tuned in are you to Mitt Romney’s vacations? Let’s find out! Why can’t Mitt Romney put a windmill on top of his car?
As a Yankee who has lived down here in Dumbutt for over 30 years now, I have had my share of grits with my chicken fried steak. Let me tell all you Yankees something you might not be aware of. The only difference between grits and cream of wheat is one comes on a plate and the other in a bowl.
Of course a lubed up Rick Santorum won Mississippi and Alabama. Listen to him! He has no peer in talking down to inbred morons. 80% of Republicans in those states believe Obama is a Muslim. I am sure the numbers are the same for evolution being a lie, global warming being a hoax and having spotted Bigfoot numerous times. BTW, Chicago is going to see 80 today of March 14th.
Oh! Santorum, the CO2 and the trees silliness? That was stolen from Ronald Reagan 30 years ago. The same Ronald Reagan who increased taxes 11 times in 8 years. And as 10s of thousands of men were dying from AIDS never mentioned it.
The ultimate lipstick on a pig