North Carolina guns in bars and sports events! What we need is more guns at little league games and bars. This business of having to go outside in parking lots to shoot each other when you’re drunk is stupid, what if it’s raining? Or there are cops out there? Best to just shoot it out from barstool to barstool. Guns in bars and little league games is not politics, it’s a way of life.
Steve Stockman is IT in the House. No one comes close in the realm of batcrap crazy other than perhaps Michele Bachmann who is on her way out. Stockman is IN forever due to redistricting. It’s Ron Paul’s old seat. In fact back in the 90’s Stockman was my congressman. He got booted out for being too stupid even for Texas.
What an idea. Make a 50′ scroll and put 1000 names on it and roll it out for the press to make it seem the whole world has Benghazi on the brain. But you know, this blatant form of dishonest propaganda most likely came from his friend, mentor and advisory, Ted Nugent.
If you have not heard, Ted Nugent is the most disgusting human man in America. Blacks are APES, Mexicans are WETBACKS, he brags about shooting cats and dogs, says he gets erections when he kills animals with a machine gun and carries TWO GUNS at all times. And that is not even counting covering himself in human crap to dodge the draft or buying a 17 year old virgin from her parents to screw on his bus for a few years. Or even his own scripted campaign theme for running for president in 2016, “Hi, I’m Ted Nugent. I have nine children from seven women, and I’m running for president.”
I have to give Stockman credit for being the only politician other than Sarah Palin having the balls to have his picture taken with the most disgusting man in America. Here Hear.