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Right-wing comments Online, Sorensen cartoon

rightwing comments

Missing the one I hear so often down here in Dumbutt… “I am not racist, I just don’t like NWORDS.” They say that in all seriousness. Bigotry and racism in these parts are something not to be ashamed of, but proud of. It is SOUTHERN HERITAGE,  SOUTHERN CULTURE that liberals, yankees and uppity African Americans are trying to take away, its what the guns are for.

But that is not why I include this cartoon.  It is my now 30 years of experience reading messages and comments online. The Right-wing so dominates the areas below website articles, even on liberal leaning websites they dominate with this same ugly racist swill.  It’s what theydo when they are not watching Fox News or listening to Rush Limbaugh. Its not politics, its a way of life…