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Stephen Colbert makes a fool of Tom Perkins

tom perkins feels like a jew in nazi germanyMultimillionaire Joe Sixpack of Rolexes Tom Perkins likened Obama to Hitler, Progressives to NAZIs and both to Krystallnacht and the Holocaust of the Jews for saying bad things about selfish a whole multimillionaires like Tom Perkins. I just  noticed on Google there are about 10 to 1 apology articles to the original quote articles. Why is that? How far can can guys who show off their watches worth more than six Rolexes reach?

This interview with Mort Zuckerman, a moderate Republican – please don’t confuse the New York Daily News with The New York Post – brings once again the elephant into the room which Republicans refuse to address. He blames President Obama and Democrats for there no longer being enough jobs to go around. This trend in loss of jobs and income inequality has been growing since well before the Republicans caused the worst recession since the Great Depression in 2008. The problem is that the GOP can never accept there not being enough jobs to go around without tossing their entire worldview of free market full employment ideology to the wind. So nothing can be done about it while they still hold us all hostage.

Let’s just say for the sake of discussion that there are not enough jobs to go around, even if it were not true.
What then? Remember now, we can never ever under any condition look to Western Europe for examples or advice. After all they are ignorant communists without guns. If they had guns there like they do here, there would be no such thing as universal health care or paid vacations.