“Indianapolis, Indiana First Church of Cannabis named after the long forgotten 13th Apostle Saint Cannabis who passed out on the couch and missed the last supper,” Stephen Colbert
Bill Levin the pastor for the First Church of Cannabis began the church after the Indiana legislature passed and Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Bill to rub their nose in it. Here! Hear!
After Googling this for an hour or so this morning, taking notice of how much fun everyone evolved is having and how they as a church are far more grounded in reality than most any other church [even in a cloud of marijuana smoke] I couldn’t help but think we need a First Church of Cannabis in every town and city in America. The problem of course is that in the states that need this message church members will not be able to smoke or possess any amount of pot for the cops waiting outside to joyfully destroy the lives and families of those inside who would smoke a joint.
Somewhere in the middle Sixties the police went from being friends to being the enemies of tens of millions of WHITE Americans. By now adding it all up, rendering themselves the enemies of perhaps a hundred thousand Americans. All for a little buzz less harmful than a couple beers. Insanity.