This is an important video to watch as Colbert has the clips of all the horrible things Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke other than just two words.
The Colbert Report
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Mitt Romney in his weak mention of Limbaugh has said he would have not chosen those words (slut and prostitute) to describe Sandra Fluke, but rather… bowlegged dumpster skank!
It is not about TWO WORDS, it is about three long days of calling Ms Fluke (a private citizen not a public celebrity) a slut in as many ways possible. On and on, and doubling down on it day after day until he started losing money.
This is nothing new, this fat bastard gained syndication for the joy his listeners took in Sacramento while he pushed the applause and laugh track buttons as he read off the names of men who had died horribly from AIDS. Well that and stealing the term "feminazi" – to describe any woman who stands up for herself – from a caller. As Rush so often tells us, indeed, Character matters.