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Stephen Colbert Shutdown Wedding

part 1

part 2

shutdown weddingHow nice.

One thing I have taken notice of with this shutdown is how easy it is for Republicans to feed their bullsht to their followers. They happily brag about shutting down the government telling us it doesn’t matter, that it’s a good thing, and then they stage these silly games trying to take the shutdown back in certain cases, and of course putting all the blame on the President.

Most humans can easily see into the ruse finding it all very amusing, after all who in their right mind could swallow such a silly line of crap?.

Our flag and our nation represent the Federal Government which the Tea Party Ugly hates. And they don’t hate it just a little bit, they hate it whole hog. Not only the very concept, but they personally dislike the buearucRATS who work for it. Well, unless its war related.

When Newt Gingrich and his gang of Pre Tea Party Uglies did this same thing in 1995 for a nice Christmas Present for Federal workers, I recall the media showing videos of people streaming out of federal offices with pink slips in hand.

It was one of those epiphanies for me, for I took notice that most of the people in most of those videos were women and minorities. God me thinking what entity in this nation of ours is first to grant justice and equality to women, blacks and minorities? Where do they go for redress?

Soon after that I had my second epiphany. I was researching which nations had single payer healthcare plans and which didn’t. I found only American did not. What was it about America that is so different that we see justice in denying health insurance to tens of millions of people?  I found that the nation with the most blacks second to us was Australia, with 1.5% compared to our 13%. And doing a little math I soon realized that the 13% adds up to about the same number of people we refuse to give health insurance.

This is something we flat out refuse to talk about. It is the impetus of so much that makes us not very exceptional at all.