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Stephen Colbert, Tracking Point Rifle takes sport out of hunting

tag gunIt’s bad enough that these gun enthusiasts who need 30 and a laser sight to drop a deer, but now they have the same tag and fire technology as an F22. A no miss range of over 1000 yards. More than half a mile!  And of course wireless to share your killing with the world.

I would like to mention an error in this piece.  Duck hunting is very different than deer hunting. It is all done by shotgun, with a range of under 60 yard with the sport of it being to get the shotgun up to fire (limit of only 3 shots) as fast as possible. No scope can work bird hunting. Beware of the heightened danger too! Shooting a 3 pound mallard 60 yards above you and it dropping on your head can knock you out! While a shooting a 12 pound honker can kill you. Also give some sporting respect to bow hunters who also have to get within about 60 yards of a deer for a clean kill. And seldom if ever getting even a second shot. Anyone hunting deer with a semi automatic weapon with a 30 round clip is a turkey. I am not sure when the turkey season opens…