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Stephen Colbert: Trump is a ‘Racist, Horny, Old Burger Goblin Who Steals Children From Poor People’

Which is MORE THAN FINE for the Republican base. Like the new audio tape of Trump’s payoff to the Bunny is “muffled” and “means nothing.”

But the real kicker in this I found recent interviews with the farmers who are losing millions to tariffs are still “100% with Donald Trump.”  G7, NATO, Helsinki does not matter to them at all. Treason does not matter. Nor does taking away their health care, or Medicare or Social Security. While celebrating their denial of science, facts, truth, reality… Gone with the wind

As long as Trump keeps pounding out the hatred of immigrants, blacks, Muslims and above all liberals and the media, he is home free with the base.

And nothing you or I or the media has to say about how awful he and his gang are will make one whit of difference to them. NOT ONE WHIT.  BOWLING BALL.

The lesson learned in 2016?  Stupid people really really really hate smart people.

Colbert: Trump is a ‘Racist, Horny, Old Burger Goblin Who Literally Steals Children From Poor People’