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Stephen Colbert, Trump to totally destroy North Korea. And South Korea

Stephen Colbert, Trump to totally destroy North Korea. And South Korea

Stephen Colbert, Trump to totally destroy North Korea. And South KoreaWhat with Trump about to destroy both North and South Korea with the death of millions Trump warns both nations best run to East or West Korea as soon as possible!

Trump recently said he wants plans drawn up for a 4th of July parade going past the White House to show our military might with trucks full of missiles, with tanks and masses of soldiers marching and saluting him as they pass. Not sure about any goose stepping requirement yet.

Again we see the similarities between both of these Rocket Men in their characters, personalities, egos, narcissism and violent war rhetoric.

The only difference between these two Rocket Men is when he makes the line The trouble with Venezuela is that it is where socialism faithfully worked  and waits and waits for the crowd to rise up in applause screaming LOCK HER UP and BUILD THAT WALL that never comes. Donald Trump is dangerously dumb.

But the real problem with Trump’s TOTALLY DESTROY speech at the UN is that it is not just Trump’s 34% cult members liking it but most every Republican liking it.

Why so much violence in the soul of Americans?

I bet a dollar to a donut that the majority of those liking Trump’s rhetoric are also advocates of more and bigger guns for everyone everywhere.

The guns are our ubiquitous daily example of America’s violent nature [100 shot a day]. The fun and enjoyment of that explosion in their face and the bloody thud down the way in the matter of one second is the stuff orgasm for them.

Our gun culture and death penalty drive the violent nature of America in all things.