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Syria, North Korea, Iran and the NRA vote against UN Arms Treaty, Cole cartoon

nra, syria, Iran and north korea

There you go. Only three nations voted against the United Nations Arms Treaty to slow down the proliferation of guns throughout the world; North Korea, Syria and Iran.  With the NRA following their lead.  Amazing that we even give the NRA the time of day.  They may win this one, but like opposing gay marriage and deporting 10 million  Hispanics this will not bode well for the Republican Party in the long haul. The next one, or the one after that, or the six or seven after that will put an end to these violent paranoid nutcakes writing our laws. I have nothing against violent paranoid nutcakes, in fact living where I do that’s most people I know, it’s just that I know them so well I don’t want them or their descendents or relatives to be writing laws on anything other than how to have sex with opossums.