Why do we even listen to these Neo Cons who have so consistently been so wrong about everything? Israel is why. We can’t talk bad…
The sarcasm aside, I have been reading a few stories that say John Oliver’s Summer success of replacing Jon Stewart has made him a viable…
Pay Pal founder, Space X, Telsa motors and tubing! Much faster than tubing down the Guadalupe River here in Texas with a keg. With unlimited…
If their really is a just God, next year there will be a glut of raisins in the California market and this guy will lose…
Because of the War on Drugs, marijuana specifically, we now have two generations who have learned to fear and hate the police rather than respect…
Hear! Hear! John Oliver who got this Republican health care crap down to the nitty gritty. The bullcrap that the entire rest of the civilized…
“My mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware, so I am a US Citizen by birth.” Tea Party Ted Cruz putting the Obama Birther business to…
Once we get past the big issue here, is Jessica Williams tall or is Sam Bee short, we get to the nut of this business.…
John Oliver did this expose of a Fox News idiot as well as Jon Stewart does it. The other day I decided to not watch…
Ewwwwwww…. The Slobbering Mayor of San Diego. Who if you listen to Fox News or talk radio, reflects poorly on Hillary Clinton. Filner and Weiner…
“If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person.” Pope Francis Wow! Could this…
Just like white people not forcing Black people to have children out of wedlock, no one is forcing Bill O’reilly to be an a whole.…
The Queens Gynecologist? That’s a place I don’t want to go. Horses in British pubs, now that’s something I can get my head around.
Again? Hell Yes! I feel obligated to weigh in on the Rolling Stone cover. The point of it is to address home grown terrorism from…
And here I thought this CNN Rock Block would be about what Ted Nugent, Dave Mustaine and Johnny Ramone have to say. You know the…