“Maybe the road to gun control is the bloody stump where a man’s dick used to be, congress can’t wrap their heads around mass shooting…
21 year old Phoenix gun enthusiast and landscaper Leslie Merritt Jr pictured here along with the bumber sticker on his car, was arrested by a…
It goes without saying, a bear in the woods or a scorpion on the ground is nothing compared to a spider in your ear. Be…
Key & Peele end their five year Comedy Central run retiring in Negrotown where YOU are always approved! To return Negrotown to reality all they have to do is…
Stephen Colbert is sharp enough to understand the issue better than any NRA Republican like Jeb Bush, the 2nd Amendment is a NATIONAL issue and…
While 33,000 Americans shoot and kill themselves and other Americans this year, Muslim Terrorists have killed 2, since 911 twice as many right-wing terrorists have…
Nuance, have to laugh like Hell on that when it comes to anything conservative at all, but hey no pitchforks or shovels, just the standard…
I think it’s now been a trillion dollars we have spent on homeland security protecting us for Islamic terrorists. We spend about nothing on the…
So many mass gun murders in high schools, movie theaters, restaurants and even kindergartens haven’t changed a thing, will members of THE MEDIA getting shot…
“This is a great book I wrote, The Art of the Deal, the best selling business book of all time, but it is my second…
Googling this morning trying to find a good graphic of Donald Trump’s 30,000 strong Alabama Nuremberg rally, I ended up over at the Washington Times…
Political cartoonist Mark Fiore takes a look at the gaggle of GOP candidates and their gun collections, which may well be making up for less…
Remember, Linus was the smart one.
The American gun enthusiast, isolated, depressed, paranoid, angry, white, male and off their Prozac not only spend most of their lives thinking, talking, dreaming and…
So how safe to you feel walking into a strip mall with crazy looking fat old men with beards, dressed in camo, sunglasses, ammunition bandoleers…