Seth Meyers examines Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s first presidential debate, and anualyzes how Trump performed despite rumors that he prepared very little. It turns…
I got it! I know what the problem is! She is Bud Abbott to Trump’s Lou Costello! Who do you like more Abbott or Costaello?…
James Cordon of the Late Late Show looks at recent headlines, including news from the World Health Organization’s study on depression, which shows that America…
“I saw a scary bumper sticker the other day, I AM DEPLORABLE AND I VOTE. I thought Hillary had this election in the bag, all…
Seth Meyers examines the presidential race’s focus on both candidate’s health records and the uproar over Hillary Clinton’s deplorables comment, levied against ‘half of’ Donald…
Yes it is true! On October 7th 2015 Donald Trump’s favorite news source – who he complains should get the Pulitzer Prize for journalism –…
James Cordon looks at Hillary Clinton’s tough weekend from the perspective of someone who was in steamy New York at the same time that she…
Seth Meyers gives Hillary Clinton a strong dose of tough love after she insulted Trump supporters (I think insult was her intention) by calling the…
First thing I have to say is that my Googling found the usual Republican spin that always seems to begin with a false premise, in…
Seth Meyers examines the strengths, weaknesses and nonsense of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s foreign policy. Seth observes that Clinton’s weakness with voters…
“To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic,…
If undecided voters still exist, the factors that influence them in the coming days may be those of character and integrity – meaning Hillary’s emails…
As the presidential candidates head down the home stretch to election day, Donald Trump must somehow endear himself to African-American and Latino voters, Seth Meyers…
Seth Meyers examines the subtle nuances in style which define Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s preparations for the first anxiously-awaited presidential debate. The Washington Post…
Donald Trump has penned so many tweets ranging from the ridiculous to the nasty and obscene – that Clinton hoped to read something truly funny.…