Owing to some great cosmic oversight, marijuana has been legalized in Washington and Colorado! Contrary to the message in ‘Reefer Madness’ civilization has not imploded…
This is about 40 years late in coming. What is most absurd is how the federal government does their drug scheduling thing. Schedule 2 is…
A young Barack Obama shows early leadership ability when he organizes the most inspirational party on campus ever! Taking his own inspiration from sweet Mary…
So who hasn’t smoked a little pot? People under 15 or over 70. Oh, and me! And of course you.
Democratic Governor Andrew Coumo of New York and the Democratic House in New Jersey both brought bills to decriminalize small amounts of pot. The…
If you know any of these Pot People, on November 6th please get on over to their couch area and lure them out to…
Earlier in the week authorities confiscated 180 bales of marijuana they found floating off the coast of California. Conan is concerned that although the…