Donald Trump, finally someone is saying the things that I have been thinking, which is the same thing that brought Rush Limbaugh and talk radio…
Leslie Jones and her “man witches” aside, here we have a good reminder that it is not just ethnic bigotry towards Mexicans that makes Donald…
I don’t know, it seems they got some of the Carson voters mixed up with the Trump voters here, or is that the other way…
Who do you want as president, one of those Washington insiders, or a guy who has one pair of clean underwear that he dries on…
With this yet another example of a good two year old with a gun becoming a bad two year old with a gun and shooting…
Tina Fey, Playboy and butcrack aside, the big story here is Carly Fiorina FAILING UP; she got fired as CEO of HP for taking it…
So each morning we are given the choice of either three hours of celebrity cooking, weather, fashion and street songs on the three big networks,…
Guns for love, for birthdays, for having a baby, for caregivers, for sons and father’s celebrating TV watching, but they missed something, for here in…
Black guy Michael Che tells America to pick anybody but the black guy running for president, not only because he blamed victims for getting shot…
Justin Beiber’s dick ASIDE we find the best place for retirees is in Switzerland with the worst place still at the top of the stairs…
So Pope Francis only met with Kim Davis – the conservative female rendition of Forest Gump – in a long line where he passed out…
In this Weekend Update clip we first hear from millennial Pete Davidson on how the Donald Trump for president joke has now gone so far…
They hit Hillary on Keystone, gay marriage and being cold but where is the email an the Benghazi, though she does a fair impression of…
“I love Megan Kelly, I love her, I think she’s great, she’s talented and beautiful but she’s a heffer who is always on her period…