Republicans can barely keep a straight face when they claim that stricter Voter ID laws will hold back the scourge of voter fraud. Please note:…
What with Republican voter suppression laws, assault rifles are easier to get than to vote. 40% of guns are bought at gun shows with no…
Bill Maher has something there with putting hoops in front of the voting booths for African Americans to jump through. Hey, love the questions for…
Jessica Williams explains voter I.D. laws enacted by Republican-controlled legislatures, and how the free ride for America’s minorities, poor, elderly, and students is over. And…
Gosh… Part of the Fox News Voter Fraud Unit is John Fund. You remember John, one of the most ubiquitous Right-wing talking heads on TV.…
Oh come on. Anyone really believe that Republicans would actively try to make voting harder for minorities and the young? Come on they would never…
This is easily the most important issue of the year. It is voter suppression not just as it was in Florida in 2000 which…