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Ted Cruz calls Planned Parenthood Terrorist Robert Deal a transgender leftist activist

Ted Cruz as Joe McCarthy

“It’s also been reported that [Robert Dear] was registered as an independent and a woman and a transgendered leftist activism, if that’s what he is, I don’t think it’s fair to blame on the rhetoric on the left. This is a murderer,” Rabid Pro Life Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz who helped Robert Dear not only with his “NO BODY PARTS” statement but with making sure he or anyone at all can buy an AK47 assault rife with a 40 round magazine. All of which has also been repeated endlessly over the Summer and Fall by the rest of the Republican Candidates.

“I’m proud to stand for life. These Planned Parenthood videos are horrifying. I would encourage every American to watch these videos. See senior Planned Parenthood callously, heartlessly bartering and selling the body parts of human beings. And then ask yourself, are these my values, these are horrifying,” said Cruz during the debate last night. “On these videos Planned Parenthood also essentially confesses to multiple felonies. It is a felony, with ten years jail time, to sell the body parts of unborn children for profit. That’s what these videos show Planned Parenthood doing.” Ted Cruz Sept 15 2015