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Texas Christians execute Marvin Wilson with IQ of 61

marvin wilson executed in texas

This is not so much about America’s propensity to violence as it is where that propensity comes from.  In 2002 the Republican leaning Supreme Court said it was cruel and unusual punishment to execute retarded individuals. Though they left it up to the states to define retarded, universally it is accepted as an IQ below 70.  Again this is not so much about how Texas got around that – though it was based on feelings, emotions and John Steinbeck’s Lenny rather than science or law – but about WHO it is that is so thirsty to execute the retarded.  JESUS and his gang! The more Christian one is here in America the more joy is taken in executions, war, assault rifles with 100 round clips and of course slapping little children around. We need a name for that gang. Is Bloods already taken? Oh wait, the Bloods and the Crips are not out lobbying to slap children around. So how about Bloody Pricks?  Texas executes the retarded

On a related note. Yesterday in Missouri they passed a law allowing prayer in public. It passed by over 80% with even the Democratic Governor McCaskill having to vote for it – it will be overturned within the year.
Mostly this was about allowing little kids to take their parents Bibles to school and read out loud about executing old men who build fires to cook a chicken on Sunday.  We also want that instill in the next generation that when going to war GOD SAYS you MUST kill EVERYTHING, plants, animals, aged, women, children, all EXCEPT female virgins as slaves which God says you should keep for yourself. I wonder what a 8 year old Bible reading child thinks the slave virgins are for?  Being virgins themselves… It is not easy being a good Christian here in America, you have to have that religious trefica of bigotry, stupidity and a joy of violence.