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Texas Death Row Inmate Andre Thomas Eats his Eyes

andrethomas In 2004 Andre Thomas (the only person on death row I can recall without a middle name) was convicted and sentenced to be executed for ripping out the hearts of his wife, 4 year old daughter and a 13 month old girl. He put the still beating hearts in his pockets, went home and put them in baggies in the trash. He then went to the Sherman police station to say he murdered three people and stabbed himself in the chest. While awaiting trial Andre ripped out one of his eyes and ate it. He of course, like Andrea Yates, he was pronounced sane. [Down here in Dumbutt, Texas you have to not own a gun to be deemed insane.]

This week at the Polunsky Unit in Huntsville while waiting for an execution date, Andre ripped out his remaining eye and ate that too. Now blind he has been transferred to the Jester psychiatric facility where his lawyer Bobbie Cate says he has belonged since day one. Texas death row inmate plucks out own eye, says he ate it