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Texas Primary – Sekula Gibbs Still a Crazy Diva

I am lucky enough to be living in one of those FUN congressional districts. For 20 long years it was Tom DeLay’s, but after Tom finally got caught being the crooked a whole he has always been, this very conservative district went to Democrat Nick Lampson in 2006 in a very strange election process.

The Republican torch was passed to Shelly Sekula Gibbs, a tall blond Dermatologist and City Council member. Texas politics being what it is, she was on the November ballot to replace DeLay and serve out his term (7 weeks) and won, but her name was not allowed on the ballot for the upcoming term ballot because Tom DeLay dropped out after that years’ primary rather than before it. On the ballot one had to write in "Shelly Sekula Gibbs", which probably did cost her the election in this very conservative district.

Off in Washington D.C. for her 7 weeks she proved herself an embarrassment to the 22nd District, the State of Texas, the United States of America and the human race. A nastyass spoiled self proclaimed Diva who when not screeching at her staff was firing them.

She is up against 9 other very conservative Republicans in the coming primary but has the money and name recognition to beat their pants off, which will most likely take her to the general election to take the seat from Lampson. Which any Republican who has not been charged with cannibalism could win.

The other day campaigning in the GOP Primary, Sekula reminded us just what a Looney Toon she is. She said that the only reason she did not win the seat in 2006 was because of "liberal activist judges" keeping her name off the ballot!

Those "liberal activist judges" include a conservative Republican federal judge appointed by George W. Bush, three conservative judges at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and are you ready for this? "Liberal activist judge" Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who refused to hear the appeal! Gibbs, though crazy as a loon, does make a good representative for this district. Sekula Gibbs looking to return to Congress