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Texas Tea Baggers Trouble for Republican Incumbents

Down here in Dumbutt the Tea Baggers are far more popular than they are in the rest of the nation. Even our Governor Rick Perry joined their ranks calling for succession from the Union from the steps of the Alamo!

Tea Baggers around the state have registered fro the upcoming GOP primaries wanting to oust at least five (so far) Republican US Congressman, some who have an American Conservative Union score of 96%!

The ACU is the gold standard for rating Right-wing Snitwits in America. A score of 96% is not good enough for these Beckian Tea Baggers whose battle cry is "Limited Government and back to Religious Values!"

That part about "Limited Government" and their inarticulate screeching about The Constitution is their disagreement with the concept of taxation – with or without representation.

Sure they like having free boat ramps for their bass boats, but their hard earned money going to anyone less white than they are is what this is mostly about.

Also keep in mind when the Republicans spent $1 trillion dollars (unfunded) on that bad war in Iraq that gained us not a thing but 5000 dead American kids, THESE KIND OF PEOPLE went to Support our Troop War rallies. When $1 trillion  (funded) MAY go to keep millions of Americans from losing their homes to medical debt, and giving tens of millions more basic health care, THESE KIND OF PEOPLE will not have any of it! It is not only fascism, Nazism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism but it is now worse than the Holocaust!

When I was little I remember we had THESE KIND OF PEOPLE running around too. Though we heard about them mostly from their billboards or from comedians and singers it was the same, then they were called the John Birch Society. And round and round it goes…

The "Religious Values" part of this is about denying gay couples not only the use of the word "marriage", but also giving gay couple the same  rights the Tea Bagger couples enjoy. And of course as they scream about the intrusive government they want the government to deny women their right to choose to have abortion. That’s the kind of logic that comes with blind faith. 

The third rail – a generic reference to the underling cause of things – is more than obvious when you go to one of these Tea Bag rallies, read their signs, listen to their speakers and talk with a few of the fat ugly old white people sitting around wolfing down Hostess products. And of course the farting.

Here it is, the bottom line in this Tea Party Madness.

Tea Baggers are madass angry that the 8 happy years they enjoyed having a slow witted, inarticulate, God Fearing,  Good ole White Boy in George W Bush has been usurped by an articulate uppity Multi-cultural Constitutional Law Professor! OMG! A SMART PERSON! Smart people are not popular in Texas unless they can prove they own and use more than four guns. [Senator Kay Baily Hutchinson just released that information as she is running behind Rick Perry.]

Down here these Tea Baggers are sure to cause some pain for the GOP come the 2010 elections. Their entrance into the tight race for Governor down here between Perry and Hutchinson could very well force a very nasty run off. Perhaps next year at this time the Governors Mansion will be fixed with Democratic Candidate Kinky Friedman living in it.  GOP’s latest foes hail from Tea Party