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Thanksgiving Family Rescue: Jimmy Kimmel

Thanksgiving Family Rescue: Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel wonders; what is sadder than spending Thanksgiving by yourself?  The frozen food section is always cleared of turkey dinners by the time I hit the grocery store,so I know a lot of people  are dining with ‘the Swansons.’  Perhaps this is the case because often, the alternative; spending the day with family – is even worse.

We all have  family members who make the meal memorable, if not better. I rather like the man in the photo with his chicken on his lap. He is simply enjoying the day with a friend in tow.  There is often a lecherous drunk, a feud in the making, and a killjoy who has just discovered (fill in the blank) – free cooking. The year I was selected to bring candied yams corresponded with my (one and only) sugar free year. I was one of those people for whom I have no tolerance now. Those who inflict their ‘better way’ upon others with evangelical fervor.  The disappointment on their faces, as the realization dawned that I hadn’t simply forgotten to add the marshmallows –  haunts me still.

One company Jimmy mentions in this video – and this is not a spoof, provides a wonderful service, and I sincerely applaud them. embodies the spirit of the holidays by connecting those who are alone with host families who sincerely believe ‘the more the merrier.’  I’m certain most of the host families are not serial killers. You get an instinct for that sort of thing. Don’t drink the uncorked wine.

Alternately, Jimmy Kimmel and his crew have come up with yet another excellent holiday idea! This one is a spoof, so please don’t write and tell me I’m cruel and lonely with good cause.  ‘Relative Share’ works on the principle that your annoying relative may wear thin year after year, but someone elses’s weird kin may be an improvement for one holiday. Then again, maybe they’ll catch on, and become part of a new tribe altogether. Life is all about possibilities, help your family find new horizons!
Watch the video for the details and see if Relative Share is right for you.
“Relative Share – Because you can’t pick your family…But you can ship them away from you in a crate.”