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The 3% tax hike for the 1% for dummies, Auth Cartoon

the 1 percent for dummies tony auth

The big discussion of late has been that the President has to give in and move the tax hike for the wealthy from a $250,000 income to $500,000 or one million.

I have a reality check here for most everyone reading this.  When we say that we are going to increase taxes by 3.6% on those who make $250,000 a year, that $250,000 figure is not only after deductions and credits, more importantly they get to deduct $250,000 from the 3.6% they are required to pay.  So the real tax burden is already on those making far more than $250,000 a year, and an increase on only what they make beyond that amount after deductions and credits.

I would guess with wealthy people's tax accountants, portfolio managers and lawyers, anyone making less than about $400,000 a year is not affected.  And here is the bottom line. How many of your friends, or people you personally know make more than $400,000 a year?

I also think the cartoon would have been more powerful if the word was MEDICAID rather than MEDICARE.  Republicans have to step softly on Medicare because Old farts are their only winning constituency. Which leaves the poor for Republicans to stomp on. As Jesus said, Ride your camels laden with gold into Heaven as you stick needles in the eyes of the poor.