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The Big Story In Iowa was Turnout!

The biggest story coming out of Iowa last night was not the "nice guys" winning but that Democratic turnout (238,000) more than doubled from any previous time, and that turnout was also again double of the GOP turnout (115,000). This means that sans some horrible historic event, it doesn’t matter who wins the Republican nomination. And as such, I am praying for Mr. Huckabee just to watch the fun unfold.

The mix of that fundamental silliness of putting God BEFORE family, friends, country and reason, and the even more silly idea of a replacing the income tax with a 32% sales tax will be entertaining in itself, but watching the GOP machine – who hates his guts – will be hilarious.

Conservative guru Richard Viguerie explains it today in an op ed piece. Nothing could be worse for the Republican Party! He tells us that the GOP only succeeded by adding a third leg to their wobbly two legged footstool. They always had fear and taxes but it wasn’t until they added the third leg of Christian intolerance during the Reagan Administration that they reached hegemony. Viguerie says Huckabee has kicked the most important leg out from under the stool, taxes.

What gives this the gravitas one voice may lack, tune in the Rush Limbaugh Program at any junction. The game he plays is such lowball semantic crap – and so chalkboard scrapping repetitive – one has to wonder just who listens to that crap anyway? Well – whoever they are – just keep them away from children and from getting married and reproducing.

Rather than suffer you Limbaugh’s version of the game, let do the same but just change the names around.

I have nothing at all against Rush Limbaugh, he seems a nice fellow. I will not attack him I will only ask questions. Like does rush wear the pink satin underwear when he and Bill Bennett have sex at the Motel 6?

I have never met Rush Limbaugh, how could I have any negative feelings about him? The last thing I would do is attack a fellow pundit. So I only ask a few fair questions. I wonder how a fat morphine addict who has been divorced three times and has no children while promoting Family Values could get anyone at all to listen to his crap?

I have been accused of attacking Rush Limbaugh, those accusations are either made up or purely false. I have never met the man and I have nothing against him, I even agree with him on some things, all I am doing is asking some simple questions. Like when for about a year he was taking about 5 Oxycotin’s a day – enough for a horse – if he listened to the Stones Sister Morphine often? Hey I am attacking no one! I am simply asking questions!

And so Rush goes ad nausem all day, everyday. Everything there is to know about Rush Limbaugh