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The Black Martian, The Nightly Show

The Black Martian, The Nightly ShowJust read a article over at Mediaite by Republican shrill Joe Concha who really REALLY hates Larry Wilmore almost as much as he does Trevor Noah who are unfunny losers. Did you know that The Nightly Show has a mostly black perspective on politics? Oh the horror. Since Al Sharptom was canned from MSNBC The Nightly Show is the only black perspective on whiteTV. Can’t have that.

Both black hosts have about half the audience John Stewart and Stephen Colbert had after 10 years of working it as superstars. LOSERS.

Why do Republicans so loudly proclaim their racist tendencies? Is it ignorance or that they just don’t care? I remember one of Rush Limbaugh’s most infamous quotes:

“They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”

And their you have it.